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Coach Help - T&C Scheduling

If you cannot find your team or schedules, please make sure you have selected the correct league. The 2nd menu option selects the current league and should read something like "T&C Soccer/Spring 2013", otherwise you will be viewing schedules for another league.

Schedule Change Deadlines

All game reschedules MUST be finalized by midnight Monday the week of the game in order for referees to be scheduled in a timely manner. If you must cancel a game within a week of playing, please contact the Referee Assignor at Other than that, you are free to change game times or reschedule games as often as you would like.

NOTE: All pending reschedule requests for the upcoming weekend automatically expire at midnight Monday (the exception to the 24-48 hour period).

Late Cancellation Policy

For changes after the Monday midnight deadline, if you have enough to players to play, even if there are no substitutes, you should play. U4-U10 teams should feel free to share players, etc.

If the game absolutely cannot be played, please follow the procedure below to cancel the game:

  1. Contact referee assignor at and copy the other coach.
  2. Identify the teams, game date, game time, and field that is being cancelled.
  3. After reviewing request abuse rules, (e.g. number of requests by team), the referee assignor will respond to the request.
  4. The scheduler will then update the schedule once confirmation from the referee assignor has been received.
Division 4 (U4-U10): games will be cancelled and not rescheduled after the Monday deadline.
Division 2,3 (U11+, Rec+): games must be cancelled by midnight Wednesday in order to avoid referee and field use charges.

Logging In

For coaches, you will need to log in to schedule or reschedule your games. You should have received login credentials via email at the beginning of the season. Please enter your email address (used to register in SSU) and your password (that was mailed to you). If you have forgotten your password, simply try logging in without a password and use the next screen to request your password be reset and emailed to you.

Finding a Team

Once you have logged in, the easiest way to find your team is select the My Teams menu item then simply select one of the teams for which you are registered to coach. While logged into your team page, you will be able to provide additional information for each game, include some text for your team, and see contact information for other coaches in the league (on their team's page).

You can also find your team (or any other) by seaching in the text box on the entry page or browsing through the league pages under Schedules. Clicking on any team name takes you to that team's page.

The URL (website page) for each team will not change throughout the season, so ask your team's parents to bookmark the page to allow them to easily find their schedules.

U4-U10 Schedules

U4-U10 schedules are automatically generated each season, so coaches only need to request reschedules, etc. Reschedule requests may be made by either team and must be approved by the other coach within 24 hours. Reschedule requests not approved will be discarded after this time and the original game will remain unchanged. Requests that are approved will automatically be reflected on both teams schedule (as well as the master schedule).

Rainout games will be marked on the schedule as rained out and automatically rescheduled.

After games have been played, the system allows the coaches to rescore, although this will not be visiblbe visible for our recreational leagues. The team's page will only indicate a Win/Loss and scores will only be used to help commissioners with team formation in subsequent seasons.

U11-U19 and Rec+ Schedules

Schedules for the older teams are provided by CAYSA/STYSA as team pairings for a given date. Home teams are responsible for scheduling games at their home fields. This can be done with the Schedule Home Game button at the top of your team's page. You are ONLY allowed to schedule 5 home games, so please contact your commissioner or a soccer board representative if this is not the case. You may also record your away games schedules as a convenience for your parents.

Rainout games will be marked on the schedule as rained out, but teams are responsible for contacting the opposing coach to determine a day that works and then schedulingme game to replace the rained out game.out game.